Friday, August 2, 2013

"Children" Slaves of the New Day Church

May be a touchy topic to mention but hey, if you're always in comfort you're never changing.....This is my point of view and acknowledge all do not share it

   For me it seems as if the Children of the Church have become the new day Slaves. In the sense that in many churches Children and Teens are not counted as full members or not at all. Similar to how slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person. The Children in most cases meant to be seen not heard from and if there is something the Adults don't want to do it's passed onto the Children as a task. When it time for the Word in my church children are normally sent off not to be a disturbance.
   Growing up I was told what I will do, what I can and cannot do in the church. Never was I asked "Is this something you like to do" , "Does this offend you" ect... And as a child I never really wanted to go against the Adult, not due to the fact I didn't question their position and motives, but for the mere fact they fed me, provided shelter and clothes the necessities. And if I did question their power in particular my parents I was not always redirected with positive reinforcement.
   I would like to see a day where the Child's opinion mattered and was respected more in th Church. I know the Adults of today once questioned or didn't agree in their childhood but because its the norm "the Child is WRONG and the Adult is always RIGHT no one really wants to go against the norm especially when it benefits those in POWER .

  • Know It's ok the challenge the Norm
  • Ask the Children their opinion (After all they will be Adults eventually)
  • Go beyond the norm! Don't be normal, don't settle for pats on the back, strive to be greater than GREAT and you will uncover your greatest potential
  • Children may hold the keys to the solutions Adults may not understand.
After all.... Jesus Loves The Kids!!!!

Katie P.


Ever since my Box All or Nothing Crossfit had this painted on the wall, I looked to it before every WOD. I feel it fits my situation now not in the sense of I'm about to go to Biloxi and suffer but I know I won't be comfortable but hope to come out stronger like I do every time I complete a WOD.

"Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown"
--Wherever your strength or faith may come from...remember it when life puts you to the TEST and come out STRONGER than before...

Katie P.